Chante France

Country: France
Broadcast type: Nationwide/cross-regional
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Chante France is French a cross-regional radio station based in Paris and dedicated to French Chansons, a genre of sung poetry endemic to France. Its slogan is “Les plus belles chansons françaises”, which means “The most beautiful French songs”.

Tags: #france

Recently played songs

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Time Artist Title
17:50 Amir Complementaires
17:45 Gerard Blanc Une Autre Histoire
17:37 Johnny Hallyday Un Jour Viendra
17:33 Mylene Farmer Desenchantee
17:30 Grand Corps Malade Et Kimberose Nos Plus Belles Annees
17:25 Anggun La Neige Au Sahara
17:22 Jean Pierre Mader Disparue
17:19 Gerard Lenorman Michele
17:15 Les Enfoires Le Temps Qui Court
17:08 Pierre Garnier Et M.Pokora Chaque Seconde

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Top songs

Last 7 days:

Rank Artist Title Plays
1 Pierre Garnier Et M.Pokora Chaque Seconde 29
2 Amir Complementaires 29
3 Jean Louis Aubert Merveille 27
4 Pierre Garnier Nous On Sait 27
5 Joseph Kamel Celui Qui Part 26

Last 30 days:

Rank Artist Title Plays
1 Jean Louis Aubert Merveille 128
2 Amir Complementaires 121
3 Pierre Garnier Nous On Sait 119
4 Pierre Garnier Et M.Pokora Chaque Seconde 116
5 Joseph Kamel Celui Qui Part 110

View more top songs from Chante France by navigating to Chante France – top songs

Top artists

Last 7 days:

Rank Artist Plays
1 Jean Jacques Goldman 60
2 Daniel Balavoine 57
3 France Gall 57
4 Celine Dion 56
5 Francis Cabrel 52

Last 30 days:

Rank Artist Plays
1 Daniel Balavoine 258
2 France Gall 256
3 Jean Jacques Goldman 253
4 Francis Cabrel 227
5 Celine Dion 219

View more top artists from Chante France by navigating to Chante France – top artists

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