cliqhop idm

Country: United States
Broadcast type: Internet radio
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Cliqhop idm, a station curated by Soma FM, offers listeners a captivating blend of blips'n'beeps accompanied by rhythmic beats. Often referred to as Intelligent Dance Music, cliqhop idm explores the realms of experimental techno, composed digitally to create intricate soundscapes. Utilizing laptops as their instrument of choice, artists such as Telefon Tel Aviv, Boards Of Canada, and Aphex Twin craft mesmerizing compositions that push the boundaries of electronic music.

Tags: #electronic, #usa

Recently played songs

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Time Artist Title
19:43 Yasushi Miura Chinese Masquerade
19:33 David Holmes Minus 61 In Detroit
19:27 Pinklogik 3. So Lavender (Voyager11 Remix)
19:18 Cathode Ray Tube Mired In Madness
19:14 Proem Skylup
19:08 Carbon Boy Nano
18:59 Aphex Twin 5 sline
18:56 Kaelin Ellis The Sworth
18:49 Bop Extraterrestrial (feat. Bev Lee Harling)
18:43 Gramm St. Moritz

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Top songs

Last 7 days:

Rank Artist Title Plays
1 Silent Strangers 5icicle 2
2 Altered:Carbon ADSS 2
3 Ounce Hold 2
4 Beat.dowsing albatross 2
5 Silent Strangers Notion4 2

Last 30 days:

Rank Artist Title Plays
1 Ounce Hold 8
2 Aspen bent back nail 6
3 Herre Jorna Glitch Paradise 5
4 Silent Strangers Notion4 5

View more top songs from cliqhop idm by navigating to cliqhop idm – top songs

Top artists

Last 7 days:

Rank Artist Plays
1 Aphex Twin 55
2 Autechre 48
3 Aspen 42
4 Boards Of Canada 29
5 Arovane 26

Last 30 days:

Rank Artist Plays
1 Aphex Twin 232
2 Autechre 210
3 Aspen 186
4 Boards Of Canada 118
5 Bop 92

View more top artists from cliqhop idm by navigating to cliqhop idm – top artists

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